Sunday, August 23, 2020

President Clinton

As of late, President Clinton marked into law the National Missile Defense Act of 1999. What is a national rocket safeguard (NMD)? A NMD is in principle an innovative shield that could obliterate every approaching rocket (Cirincione and Von Hippel 1). A NMD would undoubtedly utilize ground-based rockets that would block and crush approaching intercontinental ballistic rockets (ICBM). ICBMs are rockets that are equipped for hitting targets a great many miles from their dispatch site. The National Missile Defense Act calls for building up a rocket safeguard framework that could shield the United States from an assault by a bunch of atomic equipped ballistic rockets (Ballistic Missile Defenses). It is essential to understand the proposed NMD would not be intended to secure against a hard and fast atomic assault including many rockets. President Clinton is relied upon to settle on a choice on whether to convey a NMD as ahead of schedule as June of 2000. Is a NMD something beneficial for the ! US? I accept the United States ought not create and convey a NMD framework. The numerous advocates of a NMD, for example, President Clinton, Congress, and different military authorities have concocted various reasons why a NMD is required. As indicated by Michael Krepon, the leader of the Henry L. Stimson Center, atomic dangers have become increasingly diffuse and additionally disturbing since the virus war is more than (31). The United States is not, at this point just compromised by Russia; it likewise must be worried over developing maverick states, for example, North Korea, Iraq, Iran, and Syria. Is a NMD actually a powerful countermeasure to these new dangers? As of now, there is no maverick state long range rocket is impossible that one will develop in the following decade (Mendelsohn 30). In an announcement composed for the House National Security Committee, Richard Cooper, Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, expressed that in t...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Chinese Checkers free essay sample

The possibility of winning the Lotto Jackpot is around one out of fourteen million. The possibility of winning the California State Lottery is one of every eighteen million. What's more, the tragic the truth is, that the majority of the lottery victors waste the open doors that are introduced to them. Numerous lottery victors wish they hadn’t won and hadn’t been given the influence, cash and notoriety to do what they wished. My story is extraordinary. I was four years of age when my family won the green-card lottery in Hong Kong. There was no monster check with our names imprinted on it. There was no extravagant festival or TV meet. We basically pressed all that we claimed and began longing for another life in another land. We strolled nearby people on foot and the smell of overwhelming smoke from the taxicabs and streetcars in Hong Kong. Leaving the smell of nutty spread waffles at two toward the beginning of the day, the mammoth chime that rung in the city consistently, and the packed avenues with dim rear entryways, my folks yielded the existence they had so my more youthful sibling and I could have a superior life than they were ever given the open door for. We will compose a custom paper test on Chinese Checkers or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page On May ninth, 1996, we arrived in San Francisco, California. The principal day of kindergarten was the most agonizing memory I recall from my youth. I kicked and shouted as my father conveyed me into the study hall and let me know in Cantonese â€Å"it’ll be simple, simply have fun.† Soon enough, I turned into the pioneer of the yearly bicycle race in my neighborhood. I was a four-square hero, and I never lost a round of checkers (Chinese or American). From going to Chinese school each Sunday morning for a long time to finishing duplication tables in Chinese, my folks never neglected to remind me consistently that information is the way to progress. The drive that my folks ingrained in me at such a youthful age despite everything remains today, more grounded than any time in recent memory. So consistently, I achieve my full ability since it is never too soon to learn one more piece on the piano, too tiring to even think about dancing my heart out once again, or too tedious to help one more individual out of luck. My citizenship i s a consistent update that I have to show that I merited the opportunity I was given, to my family, and the greater part of all, myself. Being in both my school’s respect roll and the National Honor Roll, winning honors for ability and inspiration, and being picked to talk at nearby and national occasions are pay-outs from disappointments that I transformed into constant preliminaries. With each entryway that shut in my face I pivot and stroll through an alternate one, landing me where I am today. One day I will achieve a master’s certificate and train future victors to not take their risks for in truth, in light of the fact that my unqualified inspiration has been the way in to my prosperity.

Friday, August 21, 2020

In The UK A Brownfield Site Architecture Essay

As of late brownfield destinations have gotten mainstream because of the genuine need the figure of greenfield infinites on manus for advancement. This is progressively extraordinary in the developed nations where the interest for private and business possessions is raised. In 2008 the UK set an imprint for brownfield advancements. 60 % of every single new house were to be based on brownfield destinations. Records show that we have just surpassed that mark and with the rate that we are repossessing brownfield destinations at present we ought to essentially raise that per centum over the coming decennary. The uses for brownfield destinations are non limited to private and business structures. They are as often as possible considered for redesign into loosened infinites for redirection, woods and grouped other network related nations. Recovering brownfield locales is at the chest of the UK Sustainable Development Strategy. This â€Å" Development Strategy † fuses an all-encompassing total of monetary, cultural and ecological points. Brownfield remodel tidies up ecological wellbeing risks and blemishes and in making so it advances network developing and recovery. Overseen effectually as a practical remodel methodology, Brownfield destinations give minimal effort dwelling, advance financial becoming through privately sourced stuffs encouraging nearby concern ‘ and exchanges, secure neighborhood untamed life and gracefully earth safe nations for family units to loll. Moreover, redesign of brownfield locales can give a nation a make-over and can help direct a message to the region bespeaking the significance of sparing and recycling.2.0 Brownfield Land Redevelopment StepsNow that the land has been decided for the proposed advancement, a major athleticss Center inside a little town in Scotland, it is of import to set up whether or non the Brownfield site in request is appropriate for such a turn of events. The proposed site will influence the devastation of a bing structure. In this way all arranging Torahs must be clung to and the neighborhood arranging governments must be told in creating outlining the reasons for the proposed site. This is of import as specific licenses are required to repossess Brownfield locales. There are a figure of preliminaries and surveies that must be completed so as to get the required data to discover the degree of the sterilization steps required to fix the site.2.1 Demolition and Recycling Existing Building On-SiteIn request to amplify the supportability of the improvement it is of import to place, isolate and smother every dangerous stuff from the disassembled squander. Moreover any recyclables, for example, brick work flotsam and jetsam and different stuffs ought to be extricated from the decimation squander and can be utilized in the solid/black-top or cleared nations around the site. This advances manageable improvement by loaning to the specialists maintainability points of reasonable use of regular assets and security of nature. Utilizing low typified structure stuffs decreases the CO2 transmissions during the structure strategy furthermore has a positive result on the expense of the full endeavor as less waste is sent to costly landfill. There are a figure of organizations inside the UK that represent considerable authority in building and pulverization squander reusing and removal. These organizations work intimately with â€Å" Site Waste Management Plans † guaranting that just dangerous stuffs are discarded and everything recyclable is reused.2.2 Designation of Hazardous MaterialsA large figure of stuffs are engaged with any constitution, subsequently, when a structure is being annihilated it is of import to put these unsafe stuffs and discard them securely so they do non go a peril to any other person in the great beyond. The structure on the proposed site is a 150 twelvemonth old abandoned brick work building. The bing structure is to be annihilated and any fit recyclables are to be utilized in building the new athleticss Center and any solid/black-top or cleared nations around the site. So as to put the varying stuffs it is of import to set an arranging program in topographic point. This will ensure simply reclaimable stuffs get reused and every dangerous stuff are discarded appropriately. The historical backdrop of the structure plays a cardinal bit in the sorts of unsafe stuffs that can be required to be found inside the building. From the period the structure was manufactured a properly qualified proficient can reason that the building shell itself will loan arranged dangerous stuffs to the rundown for safe removal. These are probably going to incorporate asbestos, insularity stuffs, froths consolidating CFC ‘s ( Chlorofluorocarbons ) that are destructive to the O-Zone bed, material felts and bitumen. An applied researcher will other than investigate the endless inside the structure to discover what unsafe stuffs may hold been related with the various usages of the building. The forsaken building in request was initially utilized as a texture plant and hence a furniture plant. This would bespeak that hazardous stuffs, for example, varnishes, gums, sealers, gum based floor materials and wood treated with synthetic substances or additives might be available from that time of the buildings life-time. In late decennaries the structure was utilized as a truck fix store. This may recommend that there might be some pollute from oil or lubricators, raw petroleum and any spillage from auto/truck batteries. It is extremely of import to demonstrate for the nearness of these substances and more as setting the nearness of hazardous stuff is the principal measure to sterilizing the site.2.3 Further ProbeFollowing test into the building to be wrecked, preliminaries must be done on the status of the soil around the site. It is of import to see that all Brownfield site remodels come manus in manus with thorough ecological issues. As a result it is suggested that an appropriately experient ecological guide is utilized. The ecological consultant will hold foundation perception of Brownfield improvements and will sufficiently investigate any natural dangers. First they will set about a work area reappraisal of the proposed site by collecting all verifiable data accessible. This may partner to previous quarrying or landfill in the nation. Second they will fix an ecological appraisal study. Contained inside this examination will be the results from expanded demonstrating for unsafe mixes inside the soil, land H2O and surface H2O. On the off chance that the discoveries of the examination are sure and bolster redesign on the site, the accompanying measure is change and riddance of dangerous stuffs.2.4 Remediation/Elimination of Hazardous MaterialsNow that the different unsafe stuffs have been recognized, it is clasp to classify and part them so they can be securely discarded. This is the thing that ‘s known as review. The demolition of the building itself ought to be the finishing up measure while uncluttering the site. At first the structure ought to be stripped down with cautious thought given to how each stuff is classed and whether it very well may be reused or discarded. This incorporates all free stuff, apparatuses, changes, Windowss, entryways, warming and electrical frameworks and material. When this has been sorted and separated all that ought to be left is the structure skeleton and establishments for safe pulverization Up until a couple of mature ages back review of Brownfield locales was a costly strategy. Be that as it may, ongoing new change engineerings have developed and are less expensive than the more conventional strategies. They include:Bioremediation †This uses the characteristic strategies of autochthonal bacteriums, small scale life forms, workss, proteins and Fungis to destruct or kill poisons and contaminations.Phytoremediation †This strategy utilizes workss. The can hive away pollutions in their foliages and roots ( bioaccumulation ) . A few defilements, for example, overwhelming metals can be reaped and dug for reuse ( phytomining ) .In-situ Chemical Oxidation †This strategy infuses O or synthetic oxidizers into the sullied earth or H2O to destruct hurtful compounds.2.5 Recycling Masonry RubbleWith an endeavor like this there is not kidding interest for concrete/black-top and pavings around the turn of events. Luckily with the decimation of the bing abandoned stone wo rk structure, a cluster of the requests can be met using reused brick work flotsam and jetsam from the bing building. When using reused brick work flotsam and jetsam from pulverizations, for example, this it is of import to ensure that the trash is liberated from defilements. When this is done, the flotsam and jetsam is so reviewed into totals. This is a straightforward system that includes sifter like machines that vibrate, partitioning the different estimated entireties and roll uping them with aggregative stuff of comparative sizes. The aggregates can so be utilized in grouped areas around the site contingent upon their size and arrangement. It is of import to see that the nature of reused stone work rubble fulfills the need for use in building streets. Exhausting demonstrating and classifying is required on the wholes that are proposed for solid utilization inside the building so as to ensure the consistence is adequate. Lightweight entirety does non run into requests for utilization as an optional solid whole as the heft of stone work stuffs are exorbitantly delicate and will unfavorably affect the quality of cement merchandises.2.6 Access Roads and PavementsThe bing building will hold a figure of dish streets as of now in topographic point. These streets will hold to be unearthed and in keeping up with the reasonable structure of the proposed building and use of reuse stuffs in the new body it is just fitting that the exhumed black-top ought to other than be reused and structure part of the new course streets and pavings around the site. The business of black-top it an extremely vitality costly methodology as the stuf fs included must be warmed to truly elevated temperatures so as to mix together. Along these lines, the use of reused black-top for course garnishes around the site will hold a money saving advantage to the endeavor each piece

The Pleasure Of Meaning :: essays research papers

<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Conceptual Individuals frequently befuddle fulfillment or delight with significance. It is one thing to ask "How" (what Science does), another to look for a response to "Why" (a teleological journey much of the time) and still unique to mull over the "What for". For example: individuals regularly accomplish something since it gives them delight or fulfillment †anyway this doesn't invest the demonstration with importance. Futile things can be †and ordinarily, are †charming and fulfilling. A prime model is human games. Games are organized, they are administered by rules and speak to the aftereffects of arrangements, investigation, blend and guaging. They please and fulfill. However, a couple of will question their pointlessness. Games are valuable. They instruct and set us up for genuine circumstances. Now and then, they get their wake notoriety, status, cash, the capacity to impact this present reality. What's more, even this doesn't make them important. It is anything but difficult to answer HOW individuals mess around. Determine the standards of the game or watch it sufficiently long, until the guidelines become evident †and you have the appropriate response. It is anything but difficult to answer WHAT FOR do individuals mess around. Delight, fulfillment, cash, acclaim, getting the hang of, mimicking genuine encounters in expectation and groundwork for them. Be that as it may, al this doesn't move us an inch nearer to the response to the inquiry: WHAT IS THE MEANING OF GAMES? For significance to exist, we should have the accompanying (cumulating) components: A connection between in any event two particular (in any event incompletely fundamentally unrelated) substances (space-time is the consequence of such a relationship) This relationship must show itself as the capacity to outline portions of the elements unto one another ("Important" †without which the substance isn't the equivalent, a personality component) That one of the substances ought to be bigger than the other in some significant sense. One of the elements must be genuinely greater, more established, all the more including, mappable to more substances, and so forth. That there be a translator to observe and comprehend the connection between the elements (accordingly, a "intelligent" mediator) That such perceptions would lead the translator (possibly) to disclose and to anticipate a significant feature of the personality and of the conduct of one of the elements (ordinarily, as far as the other, inside the unique circumstance and keeping in mind that utilizing the laws of scientific rationale) That the comprehension of a "Meaning" will incite in a human spectator a passionate response and in a non-human eyewitness, a modification in its data content and/or in its conduct The Pleasure Of Meaning :: articles investigate papers <a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Dynamic Individuals regularly confound fulfillment or joy with significance. It is one thing to ask "How" (what Science does), another to look for a response to "Why" (a teleological mission much of the time) and still extraordinary to mull over the "What for". For example: individuals regularly accomplish something since it gives them delight or fulfillment †anyway this doesn't bless the demonstration with significance. Aimless things can be †and commonly, are †wonderful and fulfilling. A prime model is human games. Games are organized, they are administered by rules and speak to the consequences of exchanges, investigation, combination and determining. They please and fulfill. However, a couple of will contest their inaneness. Games are valuable. They instruct and set us up for genuine circumstances. Here and there, they get their wake notoriety, status, cash, the capacity to impact this present reality. What's more, even this doesn't make them significant. It is anything but difficult to answer HOW individuals mess around. Indicate the standards of the game or watch it sufficiently long, until the principles become clear †and you have the appropriate response. It is anything but difficult to answer WHAT FOR do individuals mess around. Joy, fulfillment, cash, notoriety, picking up, mimicking genuine encounters in expectation and groundwork for them. In any case, al this doesn't move us an inch nearer to the response to the inquiry: WHAT IS THE MEANING OF GAMES? For importance to exist, we should have the accompanying (cumulating) components: A connection between at any rate two unmistakable (in any event mostly totally unrelated) substances (space-time is the consequence of such a relationship) This relationship must show itself as the capacity to delineate pieces of the elements unto one another ("Important" †without which the element isn't the equivalent, a personality component) That one of the elements ought to be bigger than the other in some significant sense. One of the elements must be genuinely greater, more established, all the more enveloping, mappable to more elements, and so on. That there be a translator to observe and comprehend the connection between the elements (consequently, a "intelligent" mediator) That such perceptions would lead the translator (possibly) to disclose and to anticipate a significant aspect of the personality and of the conduct of one of the elements (as a rule, as far as the other, inside the unique circumstance and keeping in mind that utilizing the laws of scientific rationale) That the comprehension of a "Meaning" will incite in a human onlooker a passionate response and in a non-human eyewitness, an adjustment in its data content and/or in its conduct

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Year 2000 Its Impact And How It Will Affect The World - 1375 Words

Year 2000 Its Impact And How It Will Affect The World (Essay Sample) Content: NameCourseInstructorDateFinal projectThe beginning of the 21st century brought with it several new technological inventions. It is in this age that socio-media has been extensively revolutionized by the emerging of sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linked in, and Snapchat. Besides, the improvement of web browsing to internet web 2.0 made it even easier to use these websites since it allows for easy and faster surfing the internet (Al-Deen, 52). This essay seeks to focus on Facebook as a technology invented after 2000. Over the next ten years, the invention is likely to have the most impact, and the essay aims revealing how it will influence us personally and the world around us.Facebook is a socio-media website that was invented by Mark Zuckerberg and his team in 2004. It was designed to help connect with friends and family that are not within range. Besides, it would help meet new friends over the internet thus increasing an individuals range of personal an d virtual friends. Users of the site create their profiles indicating their personal information, their interests, and hobbies. They can also share their ideas by posting on their Facebook pages or by using the direct messaging feature provided by the site (Mesch, 100). Over the years, the number of Facebook users has been on a constant rise with most of them being young people of the ages between 13years and 27years. By 2009, adults of over the age of 40 became more aware of the site hence joining it. Consequently, the millennial generation opted for other upcoming sites such as Instagram and Snapchat. Nevertheless, Facebook continues to be a dominating socio-media site and will be a significant influence on people over the next coming years.Firstly, the essay will focus on how Facebook has influenced the life around us. The site has created a global village where people from all walks of life interact and share ideas. In the previous years, few sites had the extensive reach and in fluence of people as Facebook does. Hence, it was tough to connect with individuals from all over the world. Personal relationships have been built on Facebook some even leading to marriages. Over the next ten years, Facebook will continue to be a major platform where individuals can reveal their innermost thoughts to the world hence helping to boost their personalities and create more self-confidence in them (Mesch, 98). Moreover, the site will continue to help people communicate faster and give opinions on pressing public topics.The site will revolutionize the corporate world due to its vast marketing potential. The ability of the site to reach billions of people over a short time makes it possible for advertisements to get to a wider scale of targeted and potential customers of various products and services. Many organizations have realized this fact and are subscribing to Facebook advertising services. Of course, this implies that Facebook stands to make millions of shilling for offering this service. It also provides a tremendous self-employment potential to tech-savvy individuals can create and manage the internet advertisements.There is a rising trend that many mass media organizations are incorporating the use of Facebook to disseminate their news (Tsikerdekis Zeadally, 74). They have created their pages on the site where they post breaking news after each minute they emerge. This is due to the realization that individuals will not always be tuned to their television sets or radios to listen to the news as they develop. However, they are always browsing their socio-media sites, especially Facebook. As a result, they will manage to read the news that was released sometime before.It is also prudent to realize that the influence of Facebook over the next years could also have an adverse impact on the world around us. Cases of dissemination of false information over Facebook have been on the rise. If not tackled, the trend is likely to facilitate the cre ation of bad relations between people, organizations, and countries (Tsikerdekis Zeadally, 78). The consequence of such relations would be increased feuds, political instability and incitement into chaos and riots. The impact of misinformation has previously been known to lead to civil wars in countries and also incite terrorism among nations. However, appropriate preventive measures for the vice have recently been brought forward. For instance, Facebook has recently introduced a fake news filter that assesses all the news posted on the website to determine whether it is real or fake.Cyber on Facebook has thrived and will continue thriving on the site in the next coming years since it is impossible to control what information is shared by its users. There are many forms of cyberbullying ranging from sexual harassment, stalking, discrimination and racism. Such vices have increased the number of teenage suicides since they lower a persons self-esteem significantly (Mesch, 104). As mu ch as the site tries to put up measures to curb cyber bullying, it is advisable that individuals take a personal initiative to report all such cases; otherwise, the vice will ruin the lives of many young people in the coming future.Also, in ten years time, Facebook will have a tremendous impact on the career development of young people today. This could be attributed to the vast quantity of personal information that they post on the site. In most cases, such information is too private and inappropriate and is likely to create a bad reflection on an individuals personality. In todays corporate world, organizations are using sites such as Facebook to run background checks during their recruitment process (Perse, et al., 74). Therefore, it is highly likely that the offensive comment or picture a person posted a few years back and forgot about would cost them a potential job opportunity.On the other hand, the essay will address the influence that Facebook will have on my family and me i n the next ten years. The site is an excellent platform when it comes to staying in touch with family and friends. This is because it has become accessible even among the old generation and also its ease of accessibility due to the increased use of smartphones. The website will help in reaching family and friends, organizing for family get-togethers and sharing of family photos. It will also be a good place to meet new people from all walks of life. Facebook will also help us have visual memories of where we were ten years ago and how our lives have changed since then (P...

Saturday, June 27, 2020

John Locke An Influential Person In History - Free Essay Example

Introduction: John Locke was the founder of a school of thought called British Empiricism, which means all knowledge is from our senses. His most influential work is the Essay Concerning Human Understanding in which he offered an analysis of the mind and knowledge. Although Locke is thought of as an education pioneer, in his later years he focused his attention on theology (Connelly). Biographical Information:   Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Locke was born on August 26, 1632 in Wrington, which is a small village in southwestern England, and he died October 28, 1704. He attended Westminster School in London which focused on math, geography, Arabic, Latin, Hebrew, and Greek. He was awarded the Kings Scholar award in 1650 which allowed him to buy classic books in Latin and Greek. Locke was an outstanding student but did not enjoy school. He went to the University of Oxford but found the curriculum stale because it focused on Aristotles logic and ignored the new and important knowledge being discovered. While at Oxford he met many advocates of the new science and collaborated with them in their research. After the restoration of the English monarchy in 1660, Locke wrote two political works Two Tracts on Government and Two Treatises of Government. In 1663 he became the senior censor in Christ Church which required him to supervise undergraduate students and give lectures. Locke then began to write on his educational and philosophical beliefs (Gillard 2018). Context: In the 17th century, during Lockes life, classical languages were learned through intense memorization exercises and corporal punishment (Connelly). Both rich boys and girls were educated. Either in separate boarding schools or by private tutors for boys, and by mothers for girls. Anyone could be a teacher because they taught what they knew. However according to Locke, If you want highly qualified teachers, select them carefully and pay them well (Gibbon). Locke believed that children learn best when they are engaged in the subject, and they should be able to seek their own interests and somewhat choose their course of study. He also thought curriculum should include practical knowledge (Connelly). Contributions: John Locke proposed the Epistemological Theory, Blank Slate Theory or Tabula Rasa, which states that humans are born with their minds completely empty, so they learn from their environment and surroundings. This went against philosophical tradition which states human beings are born with human nature. He believed every person is an author of their character. Locke also created the idea of simple and complex knowledge. Simple knowledge is the knowledge from the world that cannot be broken down. Complex knowledge is all the concepts assembled from simple knowledge (C. 2018). Before we can interpret the world and access it, we must know aspects about ourselves and how to obtain knowledge. Locke wanted methods to be incorporated into schools that would help with understanding the difference between right and wrong, so the children could eventually develop a moral sense (Connelly). Things in schools today that are connected:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many of John Lockes contributions are connected to schools today which has made him an educational pioneer. Locke thought very highly of practical knowledge, and it is still very important in schools. Teachers teach the basics that every child should know, so they can thrive in the world. Children learn best when they are engaged. When children, especially young students, sit in a classroom and do not move all day, they will not learn effectively. If the classroom is inviting and the lesson being taught is presented in a meaningful way, students will most likely learn better. Student interest is also very important in schools today. Due to the way classrooms are set up, teachers have their students interests in their minds and want what is best for them. Teachers want them to learn and love it. Project based learning is an example of student interests being important. Another example is morals being taught in schools. It might not be directly taught, but children will learn right from wrong. Simple and complex knowledge is still used today. Children are taught simple knowledge first, which is the concepts that cannot be broken down. They are then taught complex knowledge, which is all the concepts they have learned connected to each other. Closing: John Locke was an influential person to the educational system. He proposed the Blank Slate Theory which means knowledge is derived from our senses, environment, and surroundings. He believed children should enjoy going to school and learning. Students interests are extremely important, however, practical knowledge and learning something a child might not want to learn is imperative. Works Cited (2018, August 28). John Locke: His Libertarian Philosophy In 5 Short Films. Retrieved September 4, 2018,from Connolly, P. J. (n.d.). John Locke (1632-1704). Retrieved September 15, 2018, from Gibbon, P. (2018, June 20). John Locke: An Education Progressive Ahead of His Time? Retrieved September 4, 2018, from Gillard, D. (n.d.). Education in England Chapter 4. Retrieved September 9, 2018, from

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Alfred Jules Ayers Language, Truth and Logic, the Major...

In 1936 Alfred Jules Ayer published a book named, Language, Truth, and Logic. At the time of its publication, it was understood to be the major thesis of Logical Positivism (Macdonald). In order to understand the Verification Principle, one must first become somewhat familiar with Logical Positivism. Logical Positivism is a school of philosophic thought that combines empiricism, the idea that observational evidence is indispensable for knowledge of the world, with a version of rationalism incorporating mathematical and logico-linguistic constructs and deductions in epistemology, the study of knowledge (Log Pos). The Verification Principle states that a statement is cognitively meaningful if and only if it is either analytic or in†¦show more content†¦In the future I believe humans will return to the practice of having fewer divorces. According to the Verification Principle, Logical Positivists believe a large part of philosophy can not be judged as either true or false. Many statements concerning aesthetics, metaphysics, and theology have been rendered cognitively meaningless and cannot be proven logically, mathematically, nor by observation or experiment (Reilly). Woodstock was a great event for music lovers. Tonight the stars will cease to shine. Is there really life after death? A.J. Ayers and the Logical Positivists believed that cognitively meaningless statements had no truth in value, and that itself made it a waste of time to debate them. Karl Popper did not like the requirement that meaningful sentences be verifiable, stating the positivists’ criterion of verifiability was too strong a criterion for science, and proposed that they be replaced by a criterion of falsifiability (Karl Popper). Popper believed that falsifiability was a better criterion because it did not invite the philosophical problems inherent in verifying induction, and it allowed statements from the physical sciences which seemed scientific but which did not me et the verification criterion (Log Pos). Popper also argues that science should adopt a methodology based on falsifiability, because no number of experiments can ever prove a

Monday, May 18, 2020

Organizational Structure And Information Sharing Culture

The cumulative knowledge of employees, suppliers, customers and other key stakeholders has seen many organizations become dependent on individuals other than their employees. This is because the global economy has transformed into an information-driven economy while heavily relying on technology. A great influence on an organization’s success is its ability to share available information among organizational members. Proper sharing of information, which requires a free flow of information among the members of an organization, breeds a competitive advantage. An organization’s wealth information is, therefore, a combination of the information held by all stakeholders. To pool this information for easier access, the formality in an†¦show more content†¦In fact, the significance of sharing information among members of an organization can be analyzed from the perspective of dealing and adapting to situations that can be termed as disastrous or emergency. The free flow of information is a concern with the movement of information or data between the members of an organization. In information sharing, there is need to distinguish between information, data, and knowledge. The transferable knowledge is tacit in nature (Ferreire Plessis, 2009). The information sharing aspects of an organization are driven by the organizational characteristics of culture and subculture (Ferreire Plessis, 2009). Exchange of information between and within an organization reinforces response activities by members of the team during disasters. In times of disasters, multiple organizations collect, collate and communicate data and information to decide how resource allocation will be done as a means to minimize social and economic impacts. To increase performance within an organization, there is need to disseminate new information continually to key individuals. This information plays the role of an economic resource (Li Lin, 2006). Li Lin (2006) relates sharing of information to activities of a value chain within the subcultures of the organization. Each subculture tends to: (i) need different data, information, andShow MoreRelatedEssay On Knowledge Sharing1479 Words   |  6 Pagesthrough knowledge sharing has been constantly overlook and ignored in less developing countries like Pakistan. Under the current study attempt was made to delineate the factors that enhance, facilitates and influence knowledge sharing in developing countries. The current research focuses on banking sector and made contribution in Pakistani scholarly circle within the context of banks. The limited evidences are found that focus on these variable in banking context. 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Interestingly, the case of acquisitions does not simply combine the strengths, competitive advantages, and benefits that individual company has into greaterRead MoreThe Factors That Influence Academics Behavior Toward Knowledge Sharing1689 Words   |  7 Pagesbehaviour toward knowledge sharing in Universities ?â€Æ' Introduction These days, large organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of knowledge for efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness by establishing appropriate knowledge management systems. Knowledge sharing has been considered a significant component of success in Knowledge Management (KM). The main activities in Knowledge sharing are acquiring, sharing, and storing the knowledge. Knowledge sharing is essential to the successRead MoreOticon Case Study Essay1565 Words   |  7 PagesCase Study OTICON Todays knowledge special: spaghetti Knowledge has been recognized as a valuable resource necessary for organizational growth and sustained competitive advantage, especially for organizations competing in uncertain environment. Grant (1996) and Liebeskind (1996) argued that knowledge is an organizations most valuable resource because it represents intangible assets, operational routines and creative processes that are hard to imitate. This is probably why Oticon focuses soRead More Organizational Behavior Essay973 Words   |  4 Pages Organizational Behavior: A Case of Effective Management nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; â€Å"Organizational structure is the formal system of task and reporting relationships that controls, coordinates, and motivates employees so that they cooperate and work together to achieve the organization’s goals†. (George et al, 2002). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Summary Of Night By Elie Wiesel - 2168 Words

â€Å"I would tell him that I have tried. That I have tried to keep memory alive, that I have tried to fight those who would forget. Because if we forget, we are guilty, we are accomplices,† Elie Wiesel tells his former self (118). Wiesel has dedicated a majority of his future to fighting against the world’s silence with lessons such as these found in his memoir, Night. Even after undergoing the mass genocide called the Holocaust and hearing of the experiences from one of the victims himself, the world has fallen into a time of suffering yet again. Today, North Korea’s line of oppressive rulers practice their absolute control on Korean lives just as the Nazi’s oppressed the Jews. Following the second World War, the Korean War took place resulting in the country splitting in two: communist North Korea, or the Korean Worker’s Party, and democratic South Korea, or People’s Republic of Korea. This event began the brutal reign of the Kim family, c onsisting of Kim Ill-sung, Kim Jong-ill, and Kim Jong-un, on North Korea. For three generations, North Koreans were burdened with decades of torture, starvation, and manipulation. Now, the world is seemingly turning its eyes away from North Korea and labeling it a lost cause. There is little hope in store for these Koreans as Kim Jong-un expands his control globally with a new force of destruction: nuclear weapons. Similar to the concentration camps depicted in Elie Wiesel’s memoir, Night, the people of North Korea continue to face oppressionShow MoreRelatedSummary Of Night By Elie Wiesel1773 Words   |  8 PagesNight by Elie Wiesel Chapter Summary and Analysis Chapter 1 Sighet, Hungary Main Character - Elie Wiesel Son Romanian His father is a shopkeeper Has 3 sisters One of them is younger Two of them are older Jewish Scholar of sorts (loves to learn) Hasidic Judaism (super jewish) (with all the tassels and strict rules about eating) Studies the jewish mysticisms What they call the talmud the body of Jewish civil and ceremonial law and legend comprising the Mishnah and the Gemara. There are twoRead MoreSummary Of Night By Elie Wiesel1289 Words   |  6 PagesA Loss in Faith, Ever Found? Night, written by Elie Wiesel, tells the terrifying experience in the concentration camps that many Jews were imprisoned in during World War II. Throughout most of the novel, Elie Wiesel tells about how many prisoners, including himself, lost faith in God. During the Holocaust many groups of people, especially Jews, were taken to concentrations camps and treated in the most inhumane way. Many were taken away from their homes, and lost everything that was once their ownRead MoreSummary Of Night By Elie Wiesel1670 Words   |  7 Pagesa required book to read. My sister in law, whom is a History major, had the privilege of meeting Elie Wiesel’s in High School and was lucky enough to receive and autographed version of his book. She told me how emotional is was hearing him talk about his experiences in person, being physically next to someone and hearing them relive their terrible experiences. Night is an autobiography written by Elie Wiesel’s about his horrific experienc e as a prisoner in World War II living in a concentration campRead MoreSummary Of Night By Elie Wiesel757 Words   |  4 PagesAndrew Giacona Dr. Berg EUH 1001-01Z 1 May. 2016 Essay on Night Have you ever had to make an instant decision that would significantly impact your life? I certainly had to make some quick decisions and I’m sure you as well had to make some impactful choices. This is exactly what Elie Wiesel was forced to do when it came down to a life or death situation. There are 3 decisions that I had come across that I thought would be important if I was in Elie’s position to make a sacrificial or crucial decisionsRead MoreSummary Of Night By Elie Wiesel1542 Words   |  7 PagesKeandre Santiago Mr. Roe English 4 CP Book Report Part 1 Title: Night Author: Elie Wiesel Number of pages:120 Where published: Buenos Aires Copyright date:1972 Setting (time and place): Early 1940s, during World War Two, Holocaust era. starting in Sighet, Transylvania, and moving throughout concentration camps in Europe. Type of book: Holocaust autobiography I would describe the main character Eliezer as polluted. His innocence as a child was stolen. his beliefs that were fueled by his curiosityRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Night By Elie Wiesel1045 Words   |  5 PagesIn the memoir Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie Wiesel is a young boy who struggles to survive after being forced to live in the brutal concentration camp of Auschwitz. In Auschwitz, death and suffering is rampant, but due to compassionate words and actions from others, Elie is able to withstand these severe living conditions and overcome the risk of death in the unforgiving Auschwitz. As shown through the actions and words of characters in Night, compassion, the sympathetic pity for the suffering or misfortuneRead MoreNight, By Elie Wiesel1087 Words   |  5 PagesNight by Elie Wiesel The aim of this book review is to analyze Night, the autobiographical account of Elie Wiesel’s horrifying experiences in the German concentration camps. Wiesel recounted a traumatic time in his life with the goal of never allowing people to forget the tragedy others had to suffer through. A key theme introduced in Night is that these devastating experiences shifted the victim s view of life. By providing a summary, critique, and the credentials of the author Elie Wiesel, thisRead MoreElie Wiesel And Oskar Schindler And Schindlers List768 Words   |  4 PagesMillions of Jews died in world war 2 millions of innocent lives perished one of the darkest chapters in human history. At Auschwitz alone, more than 2 million Jews were murdered ( To begin, Night published by Elie Wiesel, the summary of night, Jews were being sent to concentration camps to work and be safe during the war. the Jews were tortured and killed by the s.s soldiers. The Jews were liberated by the red army at the end of the war. Secondly, Schindler’s List Directed by StevenRead MoreNight, By Elie Wiesel842 Words   |  4 Pagesthemes of Night and the imagery that the author, Elie Wiesel, uses to create them. The themes we will discuss are identity, silence, and night. !!!About the Book If you were an observant Jew who believed in a loving God, then you and your family were captured by a group of ill-intentioned people, causing the death of your family, what would you think about whether God and humans are good or not? That is the main concern of Eliezer, the main character in Night. Night was writtenRead MoreNight, Schindlers List, and The Diary of Anne Frank Essay1250 Words   |  5 PagesNight, Schindlers List, and The Diary of Anne Frank The Holocaust was the most horrific time that man has known. To survive this atrocity, the Holocaust victims man upon man atrocity, one had to summon bravery, strength, courage, and wisdom that many did not know they possessed. One survivor is Elie Wiesel, whose exquisite writings have revealed the world of horror suffered by the Jewish people. Elie Wiesels statement, remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all...

A Study On Bias And Selection Bias - 987 Words

Bias Although prospective cohort studies have fewer potential sources of bias and confounding than retrospective studies, the study is still vulnerable to bias. The study is vulnerable to selection bias. Selection bias occurs in a cohort study when the loss to follow-up is related to both the exposure and outcome of interest. Loss to follow-up can arise in the study, if subjects can no longer be located or when they no longer want to participate in a study. Loss to follow-up is problematic since it can reduce the power of the study to detect associations that are truly present, and it can bias the study results. Individuals in the study can be lost due to many reasons such as personal choice to opt out of the study, death, or change in geographic location. Loss to follow-up did occurred in this study. Of the 37,500 individuals, 2,700 participants were lost during follow-up. Due to loss to follow, it can bias the results by causing the true measure of association to be either overestimated or underestimated. To reduce loss to follow, is to obtain high participation rate. High participation rates is not always feasible but most epidemiologists are satisfy with participation rates greater than 80%. The participation rate of the study is 92.8%. Although the rate is higher than 80%, it is still important to consider how this bias impacts the outcome. In addition, the study is vulnerable to information bias. Information bias is an error that is due to systematic differences inShow MoreRelatedDiscrimination And Bias : The Interview Process And The Resulting Effects On Employee Selection1292 Words   |  6 PagesDiscrimination and Bias in the Interview Process and the Resulting Effects on Employee Selection Alicia Crews Fayetteville State University Abstract Discrimination and bias in employee selection was measured by assessing whether interviewers would select the same candidate from a blind interview versus a traditional in-person interview. For the study, interviewers were paired with results from blind interviews and then were required to interview the same employee candidate in anRead MoreGender Bias In The Recruitment Process At Job Fairs1270 Words   |  5 PagesGender Bias in the Recruitment Process at Job Fairs Chapter 1: Problem Definition Administrative Research Problem Background Gender bias is problematic for organizations that wish to increase innovation and avoid legal problems due to their hiring practices. Federal law requires that hiring practices do not exclude persons based on their gender, race, ethnicity, or any other category to which they belong. Hiring must be based solely on the persons ability and suitability for the jobRead MoreAnalyzing Different Approaches Of Sampling885 Words   |  4 Pagesstudied to represent the attributes of the entire populations ( Polit Beck, 2014). The different strategies of sampling includes: 1. Probability sampling is typically used in quantitative research studies (Polit Beck, 2014). It involves a specific analytical process that requires the random selection of attributes from a population that is being studied, which establishes that there is an equal likelihood of each attribute in the population(Polit Beck, 2014). Some of the most common types ofRead MoreHomeopathic Case Study1290 Words   |  6 Pagesthe highest level of evidence. Therefore, articles 1,3,4 and 10 will not be selected. Of the remaining 6, articles 2 and 5 are single blinded and therefore more open to bias by the clinicians. Article number 9 is a double blinded study, however may not represent the elderly population who have osteoarthritis since it is an animal study. Lastly, article 7 wasn’t chosen due to the small sample size used. Thus, articles 6 and 8 were chosen. Article 6 (Van Haselen, Fisher 2000): The research design usedRead MoreChemical Surveillance Program For Leukemia1184 Words   |  5 Pagesdiagnostic test. It was determined of those exposed, 214 tested positive, 29 tested negative and 90 non-exposure tested positive. With the use of a contingency table we will evaluate the measures of validity of the screening test used. In the study of the association between benzene exposure and leukemia causality has been established using the Bradford Hill criteria for two specific agents: Ionizing radiation and benzene. Evidence has been established that high daily exposure to benzene inRead MoreDefinition Of Self Selection Bias751 Words   |  4 Pages1. â€Å"Self-selection bias† is a bias that occurs when people select themselves into a group resulting in a biased sample such as the school lotteries where only those students are enrolled who (or whose parents) chose to. Kahlenberg and Potter warned the readers about â€Å"self-selection bias† in Smarter Charter, and stated that many national studies about the effectiveness of charter schools are not controlled for self-selection bias, therefore, their results do not provide an adequate portrayal aboutRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Kasi Jackson 822 Words   |  4 PagesKasi Jackson extends her research throughout many branches of feminist science studies. Although she mainly studies women and gender, she has also studied branches of science and technology throughout her career. Jackson s intent is to accurately represent animal-behavior without bias. She hopes to also counter feminist arguments which believe critiques will render scientists from using feminism as a t ool within their research. She began studying the cichlid fish to determine how research throughoutRead MoreTo what extent does random selection of jury members create bias and would jury selection provide a solution?1030 Words   |  5 PagesTo what extent does random selection of jury members create bias and would jury selection provide a solution? The theory behind the UK system of random selection is based on many assumptions. Firstly that randomness produces a representative sample of the population, which will provide verdicts, representative of the general public. It is assumed that if one juror has an apparent prejudice, then those in other jurors will counter it and so bias does not occur in thisRead MoreBody920 Words   |  4 Pagesrepresented within the studies, thereby reducing selection bias with regards to race. Wang et al. (2013) and Holmedahl et al. (2014) took the measurements at a hospital sleep center. Azuma et al. (2014) obtained study subjects from an urban wholesale company in Japan, with the measurements coming from portable monitors worn at the office and at home over the course of one week. Stanchina et al. (2013) used records from hospital outpatients. The remaining studies used measurements taken from universityRead MoreThe Sociological Perspective Of Functionalism1228 Words   |  5 PagesBias, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is an inclination of temperament or outlook, or a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgement. We face bias in our everyday lives when dealing with all aspects of life and not necessarily the criminal justice system. As a part of society, like conflict, bias helps our society function. While not always in a positi ve sense, bias does have a place in society that helps it function the way we know it today. Bias in society can be compared or categorized under the

Our Town Argumentative Essay Example For Students

Our Town Argumentative Essay Our TownOur Town, by Thornton Wilder, written in 1938, was first performed at the McCarter theatre, New Jersey, on the 22nd of January1938. It is an example of meta theatre, and chronicles the lives of ordinary, everyday people, during their ordinary, everyday lives. The story is based in Grovers Corners, a small town in New Hampshire, set at the turn of the century. The play involves three main acts, each focussed upon a different aspect of life. Set in 1901, the first act simply discusses the passing of an uneventful day in the town. We are exposed to all the characters, particularly two teenage characters, Emily Webb, and George Gibbs. The second act focuses upon love and marriage, and takes place in 1904, the day of Emily and Georges wedding. We are exposed to all the tremulous events of marriage, yet the scene ends happily. The final act, set in 1913 involves the funeral of Emily Webb. After her death Emily chooses to return to her past, selecting her 12th birthday. Emily is soon returns to the cemetery, finding the whole experience saddening, as she realises the waste her life has been, taking everything for granted, not cherishing the smallest of treasures. Emily accepts death. Throughout this seemingly simple plot Wilder illustrates the relationship of the individual to the vastness of the universe, in fact, it is the simplicity of the plot that allows this topic to be addressed. I have been offered the position of a director of this play, and will further discuss my methods, adhering carefully to those suggested by Wilder. Thornton Wilder once referred to Our Town as an effort to find the dignity in the trivial of our daily life, against those preposterous stretches which seem to rob it of any such dignity This is an important aspect of the play, especially in todays society. Our whole idea of life is entertainment which is short, exciting, and requires no thinking. People prefer a roller coaster ride to smelling the roses. With the main theme of Our Town being focussing upon the small, everyday aspects of life, and celebrating them, it is difficult to guarantee the audience is not bored. I believe the key to ensuring the audience accepts, and comprehends the ideals of the play, by advertising the play as a mental workout. If the play is promoted as deep, touching upon our place in the universe, the audience will prepared to participate, and see the deeper meanings under the apparently almost stereotypical story. The staging of the play would once again be taken from Wilders original concept. The set would be bare of extravagant props and detail, only small, essential props being used. This would highlight the need of the audience to perceive the value in small things. The staging actually provides a channel for understanding for the audience. A bare stage, but for tables, chairs, of each of the families would allow the audience to develop their own mental set. The stage being merely a blank set with a few tables respects Wilders third fundamental condition for theatre, that theatre is a world of pretense. As the play is based on a world of pretense, there is no need for concentration upon sets and costumes, the characters and narrative create the simple reality instead. The play is continuously interrupted by the Stage Manager, providing background information, and commentary, this reminds us that we are watching a play. Since the audience is constantly reminded of the play, any attempts to imitate a real life situation, by set are futile. As Wilder requested there would be no backstage curtain, a literal bare stage. .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0 , .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0 .postImageUrl , .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0 , .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0:hover , .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0:visited , .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0:active { border:0!important; } .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0:active , .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0 .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf137e4c1132e186e299ef4edbc0dc4b0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The jungle book EssayThe most important aspect of Our Town is the way the characters are portrayed, and perceived. To be effective, the characters need to display emotions, and demonstrate their characters in an almost generic manner, each displaying their type of person. Wilders second fundamental condition is that performances should be addressed to the group mind, insinuating that audiences play an integral part in a production, acting as both spectators, and audience. The Stage manger reminds them that they are, in fact, watching a play, and by this helps them to participate completely. The Stage Manager is basically the backbone of Our Town. The

Representation makes dummies of us all Essay Example For Students

Representation makes dummies of us all Essay He is still romanticised, to some extent, through his own description of his actions; I dont talk much. I swing up beside them and do it with my eyes. Brando. By alluding to such a well known actor, the reader again questions their own opinion on the speaker how can this Psychopath be just that, but also comparable to Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean and a king? The identity of the character comes through a construct of others, none of his own traits are apparent, only a mixture of various other identities. Although the character describes himself as crystal, the image is blurred by the breath on the mirror. Mirrors and reflections play a large part in Carol Ann Duffys poetry, especially in Psychopath. The contradiction of crystal clear and the steamed mirror gives the impression of a lack of reflection you cannot see yourself when the mirror is misted up. Without a reflection, then, can there really be a character in the first place? He appears to be clear, yet unclear, real yet unreal even the words he speaks are given to him by the poet. At the end of the poem however, the speaker does identify with his reflection, yet does not refer to it as himself; Heres looking at you. These words, again not his own, are from the film Casablanca in which Humphrey Bogart plays a bad character who is redeemed. Here, however, the character is not redeemed and yet again the speaker is comparing himself to something, rather than being an individual. This is apparent through many of Duffys poems; simile and metaphor are often used as description, comparing to a similar thing, not describing exactly or definitively. Therefore, we are only ever given a list of what something is like, rather than what it actually is. These comparisons are of course subjective, so what we gain is an opinion, a description through vague ideas of similarity. What we are left with then, is just a silhouette, an outline, a dummy of what is really being described. For the character, is appears almost a sense of delusion, as Gregson argued; These tactics allow to suggest how overpoweringly right and reasonable sexist attitudes can appear to those who hold them, and how wrong and aggressive their consequences are for their victims (Gregson 1996 : 106-7) In a sense, it could be seen that using a series of similes, comparisons and also stereotypes, the characters of Duffys poems are hiding their identity, perhaps from themselves; it is easier to say I am like him and like her than accept, or even understand, your own personal identity. Poet for our Times for example, shows a series of truly British caricatures Eastenders sex stories, MPs misbehaving and page three models which satirises the way that British culture obsessively caricatures itself in its concern not to take itself too seriously (Gregson 1996 : 104). The same can be seen in Model Village (Selected Poems : 37) where everything is just how it should be; Grass is green / and the pillar-box is red. The speaker then adds, Wouldnt it be strange if grass were red? Hard to Say (The Other Country : 45 ) looks at tired clichi s used in reference to love, but this is also applicable to the hiding of identity in Duffys poems. It is as if this could be any other couple, in any other time, any other place. The words become plain, the same and meaningless. Words, Wide Night (The Other Country : 47) is another poem about love, which muses on how words cannot represent the feeling between two people. Does then, trying to represent love, take away the power of it, lessen it and make it mundane; a dummy of what it really is? Or rather, use the lazy words of Hard to Say to become just the same as everybody else. Unique identity seems undesirable and Carol Ann Duffy seems to want to highly that the quest for acceptance places a large part in peoples everyday lives this can be seen from the minority voices that Duffy tries to represent. .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497 , .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497 .postImageUrl , .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497 , .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497:hover , .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497:visited , .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497:active { border:0!important; } .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497:active , .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497 .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u460492d94815ec8e4d823c8f44376497:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Daisy Miller and Catherine Sloper EssayBy subverting identity through a series of other images and stereotypes, it is easy to blend in, become a dummy, just as the ones that the Psychopath sees through the shop windows (Selected Poems : 43). Ironic perhaps, that the good-looking girl makes the air sing Johnny, Remember Me, as she will not remember anything more after her encounter with the Psychopath and neither will he, as he adds, Tomorrow / will find me elsewhere, with a loss of memory. It seems therefore, that we have come full circle; erasing memory will take away identity, leaving a blank, a dummy, which the poet cannot represent. In conclusion, it must be remembered that representation is just that an attempt to represent a concept, an idea or a character, but not the actual thing itself. Every person will interpret that notion or persona in a different light and so putting this into words will also therefore be subjective. This is more extreme in the case of Carol Ann Duffy, due to her radical choice of subject matter and the people she chooses to represent in her poetry. In essence then, of course representation creates dummies, models or imitations of the reality when seen by a wide readership. To Duffy, these representations will be more accurate they are her perceptions of the world and of the characters she has created. However, the reader must accept these perceptions and opinion as, after all, this is what is written; there is no second opinion. Ultimately, the acceptance of these words makes us dummies, with no choice but to accept, attempt to interpret and try to understand, and enjoy Carol Ann Duffys poetry. Word Count : 2013 Primary Texts Duffy, Carol Ann. , 1985. Standing Female Nude. Anvil Press : London Duffy, Carol Ann. , 1987. Selling Manhattan. Anvil Press : London Duffy, Carol Ann. , 1990. The Other Country. Anvil Press : London. Duffy, Carol Ann. , 1993. Mean Time. Anvil Press : London Duffy, Carol Ann. , 1994. Selected Poems. Penguin : London. Duffy, Carol Ann. , 1999. The Worlds Wife. Picador : London Secondary Texts Bakhtin, M. M. , 1981. Holquist, M. ed. , Emerson, C. , trans. The Dialogic Imagination. University of Texas Press : Austin Connell, P. E. , 2005. Raising the subject : Indeterminacy in the poetry of Carol Ann Duffy. University of Hull : Kingston-Upon-Hull Freud, S. , 1948 (1901). The Psychopathology of Everyday Life. Ernst Benn : London Gregson, I. , 1996. Comtemporary Poetry and Postmodernism. Macmillan : Basingstoke Kenigan, J. , 2004. Notes from the Home Front : Contemporary British Poetry. Essays In Critcism. (54,2) Michelis Rowland. , 2005. The Poetry of Carol Ann Duffy : Choosing tough words. Years Work of English Studies, (84,1) pp. 764-853 Porter, E. , 1999. What like is it? Landscape and Language in Carol Ann Duffys Love Poetry. Neohelicon, (26, 1) pp. 79-80 Robinson, A. , 1988. Instabilities in Contemporary British Poetry. Macmillan : Basingstoke Thomas, J. E. , 1998-9. The intolerable wrestle with words: Carol Ann Duffy. Bete Noire, (6) pp. 78-88 1 Alfred Hitchcock Source unknown.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Some Challenges of Effective Communication Essay Sample free essay sample

Harmonizing to Jim Leininger in his article. employees express deeper degrees of employee committedness and are likely to be more satisfied with their leading if their companies have strong communicating plans. But effectual communicating is confronting more and more challenges in a cultural diverse and coevals diverse environment in China. First of all. linguistic communication is one of barriers in a transnational company. Even there is normally one working linguistic communication in transnational companies. like English. Peoples are greatly affected by their female parent linguistic communication and can’t comprehend their squad members who come from different states wholly sometimes. Second. Peoples from different civilizations normally have different thought and mentality. The cultural differences frequently cause misconstruing and statements that lead failure in communicating. So. working linguistic communication accomplishments and larning different civilizations is really of import for employees in civilization diverse companies. And companies normally give some basic preparation about this for new employees. We will write a custom essay sample on Some Challenges of Effective Communication Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Communication between different coevalss attracts more attending with the post-80 and post-90 come ining occupation market. Comparing the seniors. post-80 and post-90 coevals were raised in an environment with more freedom. chance. diverseness and wealth. they are believed to keep a really different attitude towards life and work. New coevals have wider. more diverse cognition because they grew up in the Internet age. and they are possibly cherished resource for invention. So. the post-80 and post-90 and the seniors should seek to cognize and digest the differences between them and happen the good manner of communicating. Besides communicating among people. effectual communicating in a company includes â€Å"employees understand their company’s ends. their ain occupation. and the nexus between occupation and the customer† . That means company should hold a complete communicating system and good acknowledged concern civilization.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Toefl Writing Integrated Sample Essay

Toefl Writing Integrated Sample EssayBefore you have a look at toefl writing integrated sample essay, you need to understand the different types of essays categories in general. In most cases, there are two common writing formats and these are prose and literary essays. Although there are exceptions in this case, almost all writers try to use both of these formats to write their essays.Essays are generally written by professional writers who have a sufficient knowledge about the subjects they are going to write about. However, you need to understand that there are certain facts which have to be kept in mind before writing any kind of essay. Some of the important facts which have to be kept in mind while writing an essay are the importance of argumentation, the character of the writer, length of essay and source of information. You can find more information about these important points below.Argumentation is a part of an essay, which serves as the basis for the discussion of an issue or idea. This argumentation can be of several forms like stating the main thesis of the essay. Or, it can also be dealing with the main fact in an essay. The content of the essay also depends on the argumentation because if you do not provide any argumentation then it is very likely that the reader will start asking questions in your essay. And, this will not only waste your time but it will also detract from the credibility of your essay.A good essay has to have argumentation which is well put together and justified by facts. The content of the essay also depends on the ability of the writer to put up strong argumentation. For example, if you are writing a corporate essay, then the strength of your argumentation is very important because you need to make the reader understand the main theme of the corporate world. If you are writing a personal essay, then the strength of your argumentation is also very important because the entire quality of the essay depends on the theme. For exam ple, if you are writing an essay about wine, then the strength of your argumentation also depends on the strength of your topic.The length of an essay also plays a role in the quality of the essay. But, this role also depends on the strength of the argumentation and the strength of the topic of the essay. If you are writing a personal essay, then the length of the essay is also very important because the strength of your argumentation is very important if you are trying to persuade the reader into liking your opinions.For a quality essay, there are few other factors which need to be kept in mind. The first factor is to maintain a balance between the strength of your argumentation and the strength of the content of the essay. For example, if you are writing an essay on 'Theism and atheism' then you need to discuss the truthfulness of Christianity but this is a very difficult task because you are faced with the problem of judging the truthfulness of all the beliefs. For this purpose, you need to ensure that the argument you make does not contradict the views of another person. For example, you can discuss the evidence of the existence of God but if you want to prove that God exists, then you need to prove the existence of God instead of proving the existence of God.The second factor to keep in mind is the scope of the essay. It is quite obvious that if you are writing an essay about religion, then it is better if you focus your topic on religious matters. So, remember that the strength of your argumentation should also have a bearing on the topic and vice versa.

Monday, March 16, 2020

How to Write and Format an MBA Essay

How to Write and Format an MBA Essay What Is an MBA Essay? The term MBA essay is often used interchangeably with MBA application essay or MBA admissions essay. This type of essay is submitted as part of the MBA admissions process and is usually used to provide support for other application components like transcripts, recommendation letters, standardized test scores, and resumes. Why You Need to Write an Essay Admissions committees sort through a lot of applications in each round of the admissions process. Unfortunately, there are only so many places that can be filled in a single MBA class so a vast majority of the candidates who apply will be turned away. This is especially true of top MBA programs that receive thousands of applicants each school year. Many of the applicants who apply to business school are qualified MBA candidates- they have the grades, the test scores, and the work experience needed to contribute to and succeed in an MBA program. Admissions committees need something beyond a GPA or test scores to differentiate applicants and determine who is a good fit for the program and who is not. This is where the MBA essay comes into play. Your MBA essay tells the admissions committee who you are and helps to set you apart from other applicants. Why You Dont Need to Write an Essay Not every business school requires an MBA essay as part of the admissions process. For some schools, the essay is optional or not required at all. If the business school does not request an essay, then you don’t need to write one. If the business school says the essay is optional, then you should DEFINITELY write one. Dont let the opportunity to differentiate yourself from other applicants pass you by. MBA Essay Length Some business schools put strict requirements on the length of MBA application essays. For example, they may ask applicants to write a one-page essay, a two-page essay, or a 1,000-word essay. If there is a desired word count for your essay, it is very important to adhere to it. If you are supposed to write a one-page essay, dont turn in a two-page essay or an essay that is only a half-page long. Follow instructions. If there is not a stated word count or page count requirement, you have a little more flexibility when it comes to length, but you should still limit the length of your essay. Short essays are typically better than a long essay. Aim for a short, five-paragraph essay. If you cant say everything you want to say in a short essay, you should at least stay below three pages. Remember, admissions committees read thousands of essays - they dont have time to read memoirs. A short essay demonstrates that you can express yourself clearly and concisely. Basic Formatting Tips There are some basic formatting tips that you should follow for every MBA essay. For example, it is important to set the margins so that you have some white space around the text. A one-inch margin on each side and on the top and bottom is typically good practice. Using a font that is easy to read is also important. Obviously, a silly font like Comic Sans should be avoided. Fonts like Times New Roman or Georgia are typically easy to read, but some of the letters so have funny tails and embellishments that are unnecessary. A no-frills font like Arial or Calibri is usually your best option. Formatting a Five Paragraph Essay Many essays - whether they are application essays or not - utilize a five-paragraph format. This means that the content of the essay is split into five separate paragraphs: One introductory paragraphThree body paragraphsOne concluding paragraph   Each paragraph should be about three to seven sentences long. If possible try to create a uniform size for the paragraphs. For example, you dont want to start with a three-sentence introductory paragraph and then follow up with an eight-sentence paragraph, a two sentence paragraph and then a four-sentence paragraph. It is also important to use strong transition words that help the reader move from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph. Cohesion is key if you want to write a strong, clear essay. The introductory paragraph should start with a hook - something that captures the readers interest. Think about the books you like to read. How do they start? What grabbed you on the first page? Your essay isnt fiction, but the same principle applies here. Your introductory paragraph should also feature some sort of thesis statement, so the topic of your essay is clear. The body paragraphs should contain details, facts, and evidence that support the theme or thesis statement introduced in the first paragraph. These paragraphs are important because they make up the meat of your essay. Dont skimp on information but be judicious - make every sentence, and even every word, count. If you write something that doesnt support that main theme or point of your essay, take it out.   The concluding paragraph of your MBA essay should be just that - a conclusion. Wrap up what you are saying and reiterate your main points. Do not present new evidence or points in this section.   Printing and Emailing Your Essay If you are printing out your essay and submitting it as part of a paper-based application, you should print the essay out on plain white paper. Do not use colored paper, patterned paper, etc. You should also avoid colored ink, glitter, or any other embellishments designed to make your essay stand out.   If you are emailing your essay, follow all of the instructions. If the business school requested it to be emailed with other application components, you should do that. Do not email the essay separately unless you are instructed to do so - it could get in someones inbox. Finally, be sure to use the correct file format. For example, if the business school requested a DOC, that is what you should send.

Friday, February 28, 2020

National News Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

National News - Essay Example The broadcast networks CBS, on the other hand, focus on the national consumers and therefore it broadcast national news. In this perspective, the first three news broadcasted in the two newscasts differs. The top stories from satellites news, MSNBC were the six theories, four words concerning the Malaysia is missing jet, Biden’s Europe trip in an attempt to find a solution for Ukraine crisis, and 10 years imprisonment of TV pitchman, Kelvin Trudeau. The broadcast networks CBS top news was the new findings from the Malaysian missing jet, the claims made by antitrust suit that the NCAA is unlawful cartel and the arrest of Calif. Man in subway-bombing terrorist plot. Although the two broadcasts differ in terms of news transmission, the first top story, the Malaysian jet misery, was similar. However, information and focus on news broadcasted differs. CBS News attempted to examine the recent report of the misery while MSNBC explains the current situation and efforts of the authorit ies concerned (Orlik, 2014). The two news-casting stations differ in terms of the time the news is aired. The time the newscaster takes, depends on the strict regulations of the company and the authorities concerned. MSNBC utilized a lot of time in explaining the situation of Malaysia missing jet and time it takes to cast videos to accentuate and authenticate the information provided by the news anchor. The broadcast utilizes prolonged videos and explanations on various issues anchored. In addition, the broadcast provides additional information based on issues anchored outside the report recorded in the field to increase viewer understanding of the issues. In this perspective, the broadcast explains causal factor of Ukraine crisis and underlying factors that lead to imprisonment of the TV pitchman (Murray, 2014). On the other hand, CBS News also took time since the news anchor took time in explaining the situations that lead to the

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Fire Investigation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fire Investigation - Essay Example It will not be incorrect to note that Nova: Hunt for the serial A was an episode in the television series released in 1995. It was basically shot as a short film for the purpose of spreading awareness regarding true crimes and the convicts in such cases. This was to put a renouncement towards those who undertake such crimes and ultimately stay a part of the society. With the help of the episode, it was rather easy to note that people around us may be not what they are seemingly in reality. Hate crimes can be very dangerous for the society which is conducted by no other people but the common people living next door (Williams). The episode is about a fire extinguisher official who always wanted to work for the police force. Unfortunately, he could not pass his entrance test for the police force and ultimately ended up in the fire extinguisher force. The movie has a twist when the plot line introduces Leonard to be a convict of true crime. The movie can be considered as a helpful insight for the investigators to understand the insight and mindedness of convicts committing true crimes (Williams). The general context of the true crime was that Leonard was involved in planning fake fire accidents with the aid of rubber bands, match sticks and papers which ultimately resulted in major fire accidents. For many incidents, nobody can actually understand as to why the region was under fire accidents so frequently. But as per the close fire investigation, it was noted that the reason behind the fire accidents were similar and planned. A series of suspect investigation led to the final proceeding in which Leonard was convicted for his true crime (Williams). Through the above analysis, it could be said that films of television broadcasts can be used a way to depict real life stories of people who are around us. The story of a file extinguisher official who made it a routine to set places on fire by afore-planning so that the

Friday, January 31, 2020

Introduction To HRM 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Introduction To HRM 2 - Coursework Example Before review, human resource management was characterized by punishing employees who were not performing according to Cafe Co instead of training them. Employees were not highly valued but treated just like any other resource and paid minimum wages Furthermore, employee engagement and communication was not valued and human resource activities were aligned to company’s strategy only. All human resource roles were left to human resource department only. Cafe Co was only concerned with employee performance and not development. After the review, the company adopted much of the soft approach though it continued to align human resource activities to company’s strategy. Soft human resource classifies employees as special and treats them as human beings that need to be respected and trusted. Theory explains that employees’ skills need to be developed and nurtured. It also stresses better remuneration and taking good care of employees. Cafe Co accepted to adopt soft appr oach by appointing human resource representative to the company’s board. Kim adopted much of the soft approach after the review because she emphasized development of employees’ competency, advocating for increase in employee compensation and prioritized retention of employees. Employees are valued and referred to as colleagues and partners towards achievement of company’s vision and mission. ... There are a number of both advantages and disadvantages of devolving HR activities to line managers at Cafe Co. Employees are likely to receive quick response from their line managers, appropriate employees are likely to be selected because line managers are more likely to make correct decisions and there is possibility of increased employee productivity as employees concerns are responded in time. Devolving HR activities on the other hand may increase work load to the line managers, decrease importance of human resource specialists and line managers may be incompetent on human resource issues. Cafe Co is likely to benefit from devolving HR activities to line managers. Employees are likely to develop commitment and loyalty when their issues are responded to on time because they feel cared for. As a result, much of employee time will be used to work thus increasing their productiveness. Line managers are more likely to motivate and mentor their employees than overall HR specialists. H ow each of Ulrich’s HR roles could help the HR manager solve some of the problems in Cafe Co. According to Ulrich, human resource department act as a strategic partner, administrative expert, change agent as well as employee challenge (Holbeche, 2009). As a strategic partner, human resource department can align human resource initiatives and activities with mission and vision of Cafe Co. Strategic partner role informs Kim (human resource manager) to design work positions, strategic compensation and benefits, appraisal systems, succession and career planning as well as employee development to respond to the needs of the company. Strategic partner role pushes Kim to make employees to be more

Thursday, January 23, 2020

American Intervention in WWII Essay -- World War II

World War II is generally viewed to be a moral war, or, as Howard Zinn would put it, â€Å"a good war.† This conventional impression of World War II results from American propaganda, along with misinterpretations of related events. Quite the contrary, the United States’ foreign policy, especially during World War II, was driven by imperialist goals rather than humanitarian concern. These foreign interventions are usually justified using political ideologies that advocate the spread of democracy but the United States government fails to act in the interests of the common people in other countries; instead, the US government intervened in foreign countries to protect its own needs and those of its private corporations. In addition, the United States faced competition from other countries, Japan for example, and was naturally pressured into maintaining its superiority internationally. In order to preserve its power, the American government used its ties with Europe to try and amass as much power needed. In the end, this American competition with Japan, American relationship with Europe and the civil injustices within the US prove that this war, as good as it may seem, was motivated by imperialist objectives. American intervention in World War II is generally viewed as a positive act because, as Howard Zinn described, â€Å"It was a war against an enemy of unspeakable evil. Hitler’s Germany was extending totalitarianism, racism, militarism and overt aggressive warfare†; by merely entering the war, the United States gives off an impression of compassion and interest in the welfare of other people. American reaction to Mussolini, for example, demonstrated that, on a rather superficial scale, the United States did in fact attempt to h... ...Pain of WWII Interned Japanese Americans†. BBC. 2009. Web. March 29th 2012. Grevin, James. â€Å"History of US Foreign Policy since World War II.† Internationalism. 2004. Web. March 30th 2012. /ir/113_us_policy.html N/A. â€Å"How did Participation in America’s Wars affect Black Americans?†. American Studies Today Online. 2007. Web. March 28th 2012. http://www.americansc. Office of the Historian. â€Å"The Atlantic Conference and Charter, 1941†. US Department of State. Web. March 30th 2012. Steven. â€Å"World War II: A People’s War?†. Libcom. 2009. Web. March 27th 2012. Zinn, Howard. A People’s History of the United States. New York: Harper Collins,.2003.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

GWF Hegel and the Development of Moral Integrity Essay

Moral integrity is the core and purpose of Hegel’s moral writing. The point is to reconnect mankind with the nature and purpose of their development, something that Bookchin shares. Moral integrity is a process, a process that develops only through institutions, and hence, is perfectly a part of this paper: ethical integrity is a social integrity, both created by and mediated by institutions (Horowitz, 1966, 8). For Hegel, these institutions are three-fold, the family, the civil (economic) society, and the state itself. These three things work together to form to integral personality and mediate it through the various elements of day to day life. While often highly rarified and theoretical, it seems that Hegel, in reality, is the most practical of all the writers we have examined. The moral personality as an integral unit is mediated through, first, the family. Initially the moral personality is seen as the opposite of integral: completely and absolutely free to adopt any end whatsoever. This is not a good things, but is the very source of capriciousness and arbitrariness. The entire point of building the morally integral person is to provide this otherwise empty will with purpose and content. The first institution to do this is the biological family. In this first and vital institution, the human person is shaped to love and to see oneself in the other. Mutual aid is a fact in the family, and such mutual aid seeks no profit, but exists in and of itself, helping and assisting for the sake of loving (Horowitz, 1966, 12). But this institution, as significant as it is, is not self-sufficient. In order to function and survive, it needs to be a part of the broader society and its productive capacities, hence, it passes over into what Hegel calls â€Å"civil society. † This second institution is similar to Locke’s principle of productive property. This is the realm of free action, of the drive to manifest one’s personality in work. Here, it is morally legitimate and useful for a person to seek gain and profit. The family was the arena for love and self-sacrifice, civil society is the arena for its opposite. But, just as the family is not self sufficient, neither is the market. The market leads to oligarchy ane the domination of capital. If unchecked, as Bookchin reminds us, the market will take on a life of its own, and all things will be valued on the basis of their monetary value. Hence, the economic life of the people will finally resolve itself into the state, a far more complex manifestation of the family, headed by the king, a patriarch (Yack, 1980, 710-712). The state manifests the universal mind of the people. Locke and Proudhon hold that the true nature of the natural law has its repository in the people: here, it is the people coming together in the state, the state as the ultimate integral individual. So while all three of the above writers saw the state as a problem, Hegel views it as the solution. If natural law and moral integrity are a single concept with basically a single content, then the central state becomes all important as the physical manifestation of this. What is significant is that all four of these writers got to their conclusions in the very same way, through the application of natural law in the construction of morally integral beings. 5. Conclusion All four of these writers used natural law. All four denounced the world of market capitalism that is not restrained by natural law. All four sought to define the integral individual. Locke sought to define this in the property owner, virtuous in the respect that he would not judge in his own case, but he will be a part of a limited state that would objectively apply civil law to criminal cases. Proudhon rejected the state, and defined the integral person as a producer, a part of a guild or organization based around economic function, operating in a free arena where goods and services are exchanged via contract. The morally integral person, then, functioned as an honest broker, one who maintains his promises and promotes the good of all in so doing. For Book chin, the morally integral person was a real citizen: the balance between market goods, the natural world, political rights and communal responsibility. The morally integral person limits his needs to what is good for the community and what preserves the natural beauty around him. Lastly, Hegel sees the morally integral person as a developmental entity: someone who has all his natural attributes, the lover and the fighter, synthesized in the state and the national culture. Bibliography: Bookchin, Murray (1993) â€Å"What is Social Ecology? † in Environmental Philosophy: From Animal Rights to Radical Ecology. ME Zimmerman, ed.Prentice Hall Forde, Steven. (2001) â€Å"Natural Law, Theology and Morality in Locke. † The American Journal of Political Science 45, 396-409 George, William (1922). â€Å"Proudhon and Economic Federalism. † The Journal of Political Economy. 30, 531-542 Horowitz, Irving. (1966) â€Å"The Hegelian Concept of Political Freedom. † The Journal of Politics. 28, 3-28 Proudhon, Pierre (1977) The Principle of Federation. The University of Toronto Press. Seliger, M. (1963) â€Å"Locke’s Natural Law and the Foundation of Politics. † The Journal of the History of Ideas. 24, 337-354 Yack, Bernard (1980) â€Å"The Rationality of Hegel’s Concept of Monarchy† APSR 74, 709-720